
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

yeah so was reading about Kipling and others of his time.. and their shit about the white man's burden.. heh - sorry Tormod - you the only white dude who reads this.. aint personal.. but fuck these fellas.. seriously!! In this day and age there still are some who think this way apparently.. bastards...

White Man's burden
In America Where there was nature they say wealth
To the resisting natives they dealt cruel death
The extermination was not a crying shame
Instead cowboys and indians was a childrens' game

India - the brightest jewel in the crown
But the people there were way too brown
So came the white man with his burden to educate
he replaced harmony with religious hate

The Africans to protect their homeland did battle
They were introduced to slavery - sold like cattle
A land blessed with all the riches of creation
Had its own people under decades of subjugation

To China they went for good old trade
But were they content with the profits they made?
Opium destroyed the next generation
Of a once proud and great nation

So these guys blame the 3rd world for all of earth's ailments
Maybe like the native indians, they will have us all in settlements
It might give their collective superiority a bit of pause
If they gave a thought about the problems' root cause

Fuck the nazis and imperialists and kipling
Fuck everyone who advocates killing
Fuck these fellas who kill their own brothers
Fuck anyone who thinks one race is better than the others

Ah Kipling's work of course would be lyrically far superior.. but the content.. ah well.. and for all those who buy East India Company clothes - think again.. do you even remember what East india company stood for? Everything abhorrent about imperialism they represented.. Its a symbol of Asia's opression and rape.. and we.. ah.. history is such a terrible thing..


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