
Saturday, April 02, 2005

Alright - everyone's talking about the Command performance by the final years.. it is testament to their talents that even year ones are all talkign about nostalgia and shit! heh.. good stuff.. to state rather simply, they put up a damn good show and showed that they enjoyed their time here.. memories and friends they've accumulated for a lifetime will accompany them i guess.. heh.. completely out of point to discuss anythign about nostalgia and all that.. am too old - hehe.. however, here is what appeared in the farewell issue of the hall 11 newsletter (my hall in NTU) the year i graduated..

Hall Life

Its too long and eventful a time
To be described in one silly rhyme
They say nothing does forever last
Good times, they always go too fast

Still remember FOC how we played stupid games
How we never could remember everyone's names
We crawled thru mud as blind as bats
climbed uphill on soaped rubber mats
Every senior looked like a creep
All we craved for was a little sleep
Though prizes/rewards we didnt get any
Good friends we made - too damn many

ECA points a concept from hell
Designed to make one mentally unwell
Maincomms, subcomms we joined our share
Every dreary meeting a nightmare
But the fun began at the end of the day
When the weariness would somehow fade away
Food and fun were ours to share
Free as birds, we had not a care

We talked as the night turned to morn
And went to bed at the break of dawn
Those were the times that set the trend
Days we wished would never end
Studying was the last thing on one's mind
Reserved when we could nothing better find

Then came exams, the harbinger of doom
Packed to the brim always, the study room
Times when we studied through the night
We slogged on till the morning light
Distinctions were not what we sought
We just gave it our very best shot
No matter how we ever did fare
With a grin our miseries we had to bear

These times from our memories will fade never
We could talk about it now and forever
Fun and joy we all had some
Always the promise of more to come

Noodles, block suppers and mahjong sessions
Block games, hot babes and skipping lessons
Meetings, birthdays and sleepless nights
Loud music, alcohol and petty fights

Those good old days of yore
Life was never a bore
There were times when we felt real down
But never on our faces was there a frown

We graduate say goodbye and go our ways
But like good wine the aftertaste remains...

Dont recall putting this up earlier.. didn't right? did i?

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