Friday, March 04, 2005
Ah well - nightmare week is over with all 3 assignments handed up.. The quality of the assignments ofcourse lefta lot to be desired I guess but oh well, as with all these things I was lazy and am mighty relieved they are over.. it is a loong gap of 2 weeks I think before our next assignment comes along - 2 weeks i hope that will be well spent catching up.. at least I dont have a take-home 40% exam like Ranjan is having now *shudder*..
Just had to say this about the hall meeting yesterday - are we just blessed with nincompoops or do our neighbours just have a blatant disregard for any kind of thinking? Perfect example in point - Aunty Mingui - his everchanging weirder hairdos must have had some kind of debilitating effect on his gray matter.. either that or he must have some milder form of Down's syndrome which must make common sense a real encumbrance.. NO offence and all that good stuff - we all understand and revere Rag, but honestly is it the epitome of hall spirit? Apart from nauseating announcements he intoned during the Q&A session - quite shamelessly wasting the collective time of about a hundred people - he proceeded to make those insinuating comments about the dancers - I mean, I have no stand on the matter.. I for one, am not sure if they deserve the merit points.. but the basis on which he opposed the award of the merit points was at best flimsy and at worst (to quote him) moronic.. i am sure there are 69 better ways of putting across a point - either he was overcome by so much passion that he could not clearly express himself or he simply should get someone else to speak for him the next time.. heh.. Anyway, make no mistake.. it is heartwarming to everyone in hall am sure to see him (and others) give a shit about hall I guess.. and hey, he is still an ok guy and all.. he is just soo damn AUNTYYYYY!!! someone kick his arse or something please!
Oh yeah, talking of quite ridiculous suggestions, Mingui had close competition from Eugene Ong.. someone explain to me why an original script makes the entire hall production committee gain merit points? I understand that the scriptwriters, not withstanding the quality of the thoroughly lame script, deserve some plaudits merely for the courage and endeavour if nothing else.. but but but, they get their points and the rest of the play carries on the same right? Whether original script or an adaptation, the stage settings, the acting, the music, the direction all that remain the same don't they? In fact, the directors and all should have even more leeway that for an adaptation - no? I could be wrong - do not blame me, iam but singularly unartistic and all - but again, I can understand that if the entire production committee did real well that would be reason enough.. merely having an original script will not even change the jobscope of most of the people methinks - so why merit points on THAT basis? iam befuddled - someone explain..
And the financial success? Sorry at this point I would have to swear.. KANNINAA.. FUCKING HELL.. as Kenric righfully pointed out, the financial success was based bigtime on the flat fee of $15 - which Eugene said was indicated in the post mortem as something that ought to be corrected next year.. and THEN, despite that I CANNOT BELIEVE he had the audacity to state that as a reason for merit points.. what in fucking blazes does he think??
Kudos to Nick for tryign to correct their 'naivety' but i do not think it was that.. it was a fucking outrage frankly, proposing merit points for everyone involved.. no offense to the hall production people, but it was hardly the most entertaining way to spend $15 and 2 hours..
Alrighty - guess I made enough enemies there.. but guys, seriously I could have been more diplomatic and all, but aint nothing personal right.. its just what I thought and maybe it aint just me.. I know not.. makes you wonder right - all these arguments and shit - is it worth the 1 or 2 points extra people wanna get?
And then again right, it makes me wonder too - do all these committees even think about what exactly they are supposed to do? Perspective is important.. at the end of the day activities like production, D&D etc are meant to be for the enjoyment of all hall residents - if residents pay $15 and make the production a "financial success".. or if residents buy pineapple tarts for $15 so their d&d tickets can be subidized to a cost of $50.. what is the point of it all? are some of these activities becoming too big for themselves? If the canvassing people are unable to obtain the requisite sums of money required for a grand event (frankly how surprising is that? no offense, but i would rather give whatever excess money I have to the Tsunami victims than for a bleeding d&d for spoilt undergrad kids) why can we not face financial realities and have a smaller event? Do we fail to see the damn point if it all seriously?? Man, now i recall distinctly why i did not want to join any of these things when I came to NUS.. sheesh..
haha - alright.. sorry folks.. long and i think i slammed a lot of people.. presuming a few people read this - apologies eh.. no offense meant at all!! common sense is an effective tool i think we all should use more often! Astalavista
Just had to say this about the hall meeting yesterday - are we just blessed with nincompoops or do our neighbours just have a blatant disregard for any kind of thinking? Perfect example in point - Aunty Mingui - his everchanging weirder hairdos must have had some kind of debilitating effect on his gray matter.. either that or he must have some milder form of Down's syndrome which must make common sense a real encumbrance.. NO offence and all that good stuff - we all understand and revere Rag, but honestly is it the epitome of hall spirit? Apart from nauseating announcements he intoned during the Q&A session - quite shamelessly wasting the collective time of about a hundred people - he proceeded to make those insinuating comments about the dancers - I mean, I have no stand on the matter.. I for one, am not sure if they deserve the merit points.. but the basis on which he opposed the award of the merit points was at best flimsy and at worst (to quote him) moronic.. i am sure there are 69 better ways of putting across a point - either he was overcome by so much passion that he could not clearly express himself or he simply should get someone else to speak for him the next time.. heh.. Anyway, make no mistake.. it is heartwarming to everyone in hall am sure to see him (and others) give a shit about hall I guess.. and hey, he is still an ok guy and all.. he is just soo damn AUNTYYYYY!!! someone kick his arse or something please!
Oh yeah, talking of quite ridiculous suggestions, Mingui had close competition from Eugene Ong.. someone explain to me why an original script makes the entire hall production committee gain merit points? I understand that the scriptwriters, not withstanding the quality of the thoroughly lame script, deserve some plaudits merely for the courage and endeavour if nothing else.. but but but, they get their points and the rest of the play carries on the same right? Whether original script or an adaptation, the stage settings, the acting, the music, the direction all that remain the same don't they? In fact, the directors and all should have even more leeway that for an adaptation - no? I could be wrong - do not blame me, iam but singularly unartistic and all - but again, I can understand that if the entire production committee did real well that would be reason enough.. merely having an original script will not even change the jobscope of most of the people methinks - so why merit points on THAT basis? iam befuddled - someone explain..
And the financial success? Sorry at this point I would have to swear.. KANNINAA.. FUCKING HELL.. as Kenric righfully pointed out, the financial success was based bigtime on the flat fee of $15 - which Eugene said was indicated in the post mortem as something that ought to be corrected next year.. and THEN, despite that I CANNOT BELIEVE he had the audacity to state that as a reason for merit points.. what in fucking blazes does he think??
Kudos to Nick for tryign to correct their 'naivety' but i do not think it was that.. it was a fucking outrage frankly, proposing merit points for everyone involved.. no offense to the hall production people, but it was hardly the most entertaining way to spend $15 and 2 hours..
Alrighty - guess I made enough enemies there.. but guys, seriously I could have been more diplomatic and all, but aint nothing personal right.. its just what I thought and maybe it aint just me.. I know not.. makes you wonder right - all these arguments and shit - is it worth the 1 or 2 points extra people wanna get?
And then again right, it makes me wonder too - do all these committees even think about what exactly they are supposed to do? Perspective is important.. at the end of the day activities like production, D&D etc are meant to be for the enjoyment of all hall residents - if residents pay $15 and make the production a "financial success".. or if residents buy pineapple tarts for $15 so their d&d tickets can be subidized to a cost of $50.. what is the point of it all? are some of these activities becoming too big for themselves? If the canvassing people are unable to obtain the requisite sums of money required for a grand event (frankly how surprising is that? no offense, but i would rather give whatever excess money I have to the Tsunami victims than for a bleeding d&d for spoilt undergrad kids) why can we not face financial realities and have a smaller event? Do we fail to see the damn point if it all seriously?? Man, now i recall distinctly why i did not want to join any of these things when I came to NUS.. sheesh..
haha - alright.. sorry folks.. long and i think i slammed a lot of people.. presuming a few people read this - apologies eh.. no offense meant at all!! common sense is an effective tool i think we all should use more often! Astalavista
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