
Sunday, December 05, 2004

Will power is something I realise I do not possess.. now, we are not talking about doing great things that require much discipline.. Ofcourse I lack the will to accomplish such fantastic deeds.. What is dismaying is the lack of focus to carry out even the merest trifles.. I waver too much, totter at the brink and eventually fall over.. however, the mind is made up now and a great effort surpassing all else I have done in the immediate past, is being put into this noble ideal - to have more of a strong will.. the energy expended so far hath been justified in the results and in the days to cum, i shalt emerge a finer stronger human being...

Anyway, we attended Naresh's catholic church wedding yesterday.. never thought we would see this day but there we were in the presence of history being made.. Naresh and Angeline exchanged vows and rings and the priest made the appropriate statements joining them in holy matrimony.. I was watchign out for the "speak now or forever hold thy peace" line.. think that is easily the most interesting line of the lot.. and with a lot of potential too.. but either my ageing memory is spluttering again or times have simply changed and they do not include that line anymore.. isn't nothing sacred anymore???

The couple are moving off to Aussieland 2 weeks from now.. no not for a honeymoon but they are actually relocating and have found jobs there.. that is pretty neat and being the free man, i have been appointed as the organizer for the damn outing next week.. interestingly, Daphne is leaving the country a day after Naresh - she is relocating to London (yes, she found a job there).. I mean, what the hell, in the space of 2 days, the guy i know who drinks the least (he1114 had this magnificient moment of TWO beers which was followed by an upset stomach the following morning - he genuinely thought he was destined for the grim reaper then) and the girl who drinks the most (yeah, her favourite poison is vodka and many were the times this favourite housemate of mine and i staggered to the 24 hr CHEERS supermarket next to our condo and staggered back with litres of orange juice and ribena to temper and sweeten the evil fire-fluid) leave my immediate vicinity, heading off to different continents.. Larry and Kalyana re already gone.. these 2 are leaving now.. and God only knows (to quote the beachboys) how many else of my friends are plotting to flee.. soon i might actually be friendless - I will be the only one at 28 serving out my bond (sic) and embarking on a career.. crap, WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!

Such are the strange ways of fate and being a mere pawn on this chessboard i am floating around.. yeah, play me life.. do whatever.. I am prepared for your vagaries.. I might not like it but prepared I am....

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