
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Just to clarify eh.. the previous post was a mere joke.. a trifling attempt at humour.. there was maybe a wee bti of substance.. but it aint personal folks.. ZQ and R are fine - abslutely fine eh.. its the mush.. and hey, i certainly AINT jealous.. you wouldnt find me polluting the corridors with mush.. no sir, not in an NUS hall.. ha ha.

anyway, now that thats out of the way,.,. its 6am yet again.. tried to study - and studied a fair bit tnight.. probably the best stretch this semester.. ha ha.. that shows you how sucky its been all this while eh? my lfie is going to revolve around the study room and the dining hall henceforth.. funny, i mean my life is going to revolve around notes and books and all things academic..

aint got any dumbass topic to rant and rave about today i think.. will try and think of something for morrow.. normally happens anyway when iam trying to study.. amazing what the head comes up with when you try and channel it to constructive purposes..

minor point - it is a beautiful early morning.. the night that started out sultry and humid matured into this decently cool peaceful thing.. and now it is that time when the rest of the world - at least the world in my immediate vicinity - is fast asleep.. i just walked onto the rooftop and this calm, serene setting - its like the calm before the storm feeling i guess.. the sky has a faint glow that promises a bright sunny morning.. its liek pippa's song.. the "lark on the wing, snail on the thorn" kind of thing.. (except that ofcourse the probability of finding a lark near here would be smaller than the proverbial needle in the damn haysack.. but yet, the possibility does exist) This would pass as my favourite time of day.. only, I cant claim to facing it too many times a year.. there is something about this nice quiet feeling right? (bet noone believes i say this.. how many times do i ever respect silence eh?) Maybe its the silence.. maybe the magnificient solitude.. whatever.. i just like it.. and too bad if that doesnt fit my personality profile dammit..

ok ok .. time to bloody sleep..

Pippa’s Song

Robert Browning (1812–1889)

THE YEAR’S at the spring,
And day’s at the morn;
Morning’s at seven;
The hill-side’s dew-pearl’d;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn;
God’s in His heaven—
All’s right with the world!

This one - am very very sure is posted elsewhere in this blog - but i remembered and re-read it.. and apologies for re-inflicting this on anyone reading - he he :P


Its too late for night too early for morning
I cant keep myself from incessant yawning
A look at the clock tells me its about four
I cant go to sleep though my eyes are sore
Now, i dont know why iam still wide awake
Despite knowing i must sleep for rest's sake
Ouside the window even the noise of traffic is gone
They will return I know with the first light of dawn
Amazing this cycle.. day and night and another day
Never once from this sequence does nature stray
If you think about it life's about the same
Only the duration is on a different scale
Arent there days when you are on cloud nine
Arent there days when things arent so fine
Ofcourse this nasty cycle has to break
When your last breath you take
Then again its a never ending cycle from a larger view
You live you love you die but then there's life new
our lives -these days, nights - the tides in the seas
in a cosmic puzzle are they each a piece?

Now i look again outside the window
Watch the world at rest below
how beautiful the stars look in the sky
Beautifully crowded yet desolate they lie
Bright they still shine as if they dont know
that Soon it'll be dawn and they'll have to go
Yes everything around you, its purpose does serve
Theres a point to everything u do, hate and love
Like the change of day and the time of season
If i cant sleep now that too must have some reason....

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