
Friday, June 11, 2004

Ah - finally in the mood again and the damn thing is accessible!!

Been a quietish few days - nothing much going on.. Everything seems usual and all - so what do I blog about eh? he he.. but there are ALWAYS stories - if not mine, somebody else's.. Like this guy in the FWOC comm.. well, long story short - he got dumped and is having a torrid time of it.. it really is sad how chicks can reduce a man to a quivering mass of self pity.. absolutely moving.. These beastly women have such a powerful hold on us testosterone pots.. sad but true.. They are thoroughly illogical, inconsistent and absolutely vicious when they aren't on our side.. YET, we love them.. we get dumped by some woman.. cruelly at times.. yet we go grovelling back to them on our knees... some of us never ever get back to our feet.. those of us that do take a horribly painfully long time getting there.. its all quite amazing when you are on the outside looking in.. quite, quite amazing! I didn't understand it then - I don't understand it now.. this power they have over us.. Phew..

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