
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Right - so i feel like blogging again - and it matters not if noone else reads it..

So been drinking a fair bit again.. but increasingly not liking the aftermath of each drinking session.. don't feel all that good mentally and physically anymore.. the powers of recuperation are on the wane and there is this little voice that warns it could only lead to some act of stupidity sooner rather than later.. so i will make a conscious effort to cut down on alcohol intake - there i've said it.. wasn't that hard after all.. hehe

Thing is.. exams are a-coming.. hopefully the last exams of my life ever.. i really hope so.. my time for learning and taking exams is long past i fear.. any semblance i have to the student i was 5-10 years ago is remarkably hard to detect.. the brains are dwindling.. any capacity for independent thought and sharp logic has been eroded by the years of redundance.. yawn.. yeah its time to wake up and do some real relevant stuff

Anyway, getting bored of blogging already.. aiya life very boring eh.. i need a purpose.. an aim.. strange but i cant wait to start working..

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